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Comprehensive Design Studio has to be one of the most memorable classes I have ever attended. The class served as an introduction to Lawrence Technological University, and the distance program itself. Although not a part of the M. Arch program, it was a requirement for my provisional acceptance. Prior to this class, it had been exactly four years  since I was in a design class; thus, I was very worried I would not be up to speed with the rest of my classmates. The completion of the course, my grade evaluation, and the work I produced gave me the confidence I needed to succeed at LTU. Simply stated, I did belong in the program and I was good enough.


Comprehensive Design Studio was divided into a series of tasks. The first task was to produce a digital collage to serve as an introduction. This included the school we attended prior to LTU, our architectural inspirations, our hobbies, and experiences.  Task two, was to further study an archetype. My archetype was the elevated plane.  I used a basic post and lintel to describe this architecture fundamental. Task three, was the production of a folly which incorporated the elevated plane. This folly was intended to be used in the final design project. After doing a site analysis on Detroit’s Greek Town, we were given our final task.


The final task was to design a multi-use midrise building which incorporated an abandoned three story structure. This project was my first introduction to Detroit and to the idea of adaptive reuse. The program was very demanding, which forced me to rethink how spaces are used and how we can have a space which served various purposes. Looking back now, I have seen a vast improvement in many areas of my work and the growth that LTU has afforded me.


TASK - Introductory Composition

TASK - Archetype: Elevated Plane

TASK - Folly

TASK - Greektown

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