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 As a first generation American I quickly learned that in this country an education is extremely important. At the risk of being too personal I would like to share one more anecdote. At the age of eighteen when I found out I was going to be a father, I was prepared to give this architecture pipe dream up. I call it a pipe dream because at that time it seemed an impossibility. A teenage dad with the weight of the world solely on his shoulders is not supposed to accomplish such distinguished merits. Well thirteen years later my lifelong ambition is about to come into fruition. I can honestly say that it has been more difficult than I had ever imagined. Among all my accomplishments the one I am proudest of is, that my three sons have now seen both their parents walk across a stage and receive collegiate diplomas. These are memories which I know will be forever embedded in their minds. Statistically they now have a 95% likelihood of one day graduating from college themselves. That alone makes this journey more than worth all the struggle and sacrifice. I hope it teaches them that in this life everything is possible, no matter how daunting it may seem. Sir Isaac Newton famously said, “If I have seen further than most, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” They are my giants!       

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